I have finally finished my Parlor in the Garfield Manor ( almost ;) ) The design will stay as it is...left to do are tiny ( ha ) things, such as adding the carpet runner and post caps on the stairs, lighting, ceiling medallions. Those will be done much later, as I decorate.
The first photo shows the added fireplace in what the company called the dining room, but it is an extention of my Parlor. The door to the right of the fireplace is not glued in yet. It leads into what will be my dining room ( what the company called the kitchen ).
The second view is a broad shot, showing the stairs and partition, which are not glued in just yet, in case I need to get behind them still. Barely seen is beading across the top of the window seat/bay.
The third photo is just inside the front door, where you can see the window seat/entry bay and the understair closet. I plan on upholstering a cushion for the seat. There are a couple of little ribbon roses that will be pillows resting there.
Number four is the tower area which had called for window seats, but I chose to keep that as room area and placed window seats in the entry bay instead. The posts and fretwork were not part of the original plans.
And, the last photo is of the added fireplace, where a window had originally been. Remember, the company had a too small fireplace at the base of the stairs with no flue for the smoke to rise. I think it looks more practical.
I have never approached the building of a house like this...completing a room before the house itself. The entry area had to be completed first or I could not have accessed that area with the stairs in the way. I got carried away and did the entire room. I can see that same principle will be needed in a few other areas. I've, also, been more demanding of myself in this room, wanting the "out of ordinary" home. The Victorians loved an ornate decor and I want that to show here.
I'm ready to move on to the next step in building this beautiful Garfield, but I do not know what that step will be yet. I'm going to clean up my mess, re-organize my tool box, check my supplies, read the directions, and think, think, think. I am scrapbooking this house and want to update it to show the Parlor progress.
I am so delighted in the building of The Garfield Manor, thanking my luck finding this steal at the Goodwill store for $40. Currently, it's cost is about $175, including trim pieces and moulding, addition flooring and ceiling....half the cost of the house kit if bought brand new.
As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions, some of which are already incorporated in the design of the Parlor. To those of you who have already built the Garfield, or are in the process now, please let me see your photos or hear your own stories. Every little bit helps. I thank you for all your support so far. The fun will continue............