First, I'd like Sumaiya ( to share in this and I think

Next, I passing it right back to Gina,( ) whose site I've been to so many times, since it is full of helpful hints and tips that have never crossed my mind. And her Victorian sites have filled my head with ideas for my Garfield.
I'm also passing it right back to Jodi, ( )who also admits to being "obsessed" with minatures and whose site is so full of information.
Next comes Larry Marshall ( ) who will most likely laugh that I think his head is so full of information and I would like to crack it open like a coconut so I could get to it.
For Doreen ( ) who actually just started her blog recently, but is already a favorite from e-mails at MCC.
And, Tiffany ( ) who gets her fingers into anything she sees and seems to make everything in her life fun.
I could go on and on, but golly, there's not enough hours in the day. I think it's important to note that, I'm sure, all of us started out with " Who's gonna read what I have to say?" and have been surprised when we find out there are many folks out there supporting us, not just our families, who are obligated to read our thoughts. I have days when blogging feels like homework and others where I can't shut up, but it took me a while to realize that I really did have some folks following my words and I feel honored, especially when I had to be talked in to it by Sumaiya, who went so far as to set it up for me, thank you, dear. I still am surprised by the support from others and this ( not so little, to me ) award just encourages me.
Well, pass it on, ya'll, and keep up the great work, as I always am needing your advice, entertainment, and encouragement.
And, about the Garfield, which is, after all, what this blog is all about, I have an order in for siding that should be delivered about the time I get Christmas all packed back up in it's boxes, and the fun will continue in the blog in just a few days.